School Close: 6 Dec 2021 – Substitution Day of H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s Birthday

School Close : Monday 6, Dec 2021

Substitution Day of H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s Birthday

December 5 each year, the birthday of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, marks one of the most significant days for Thai people. The day, which is a public holiday, is also observed as Thailand’s National Day and National Father’s Day. Thai people celebrate this auspicious occasion on a grand scale to show gratitude to their beloved monarch.


Photo by from Internet

School Close: 26 Jul 2021 – Substitution Day of Asarnha Bucha Day

School Close : Monday 26, Jul 2021

Substitution Day of Asarnha Bucha Day

Asarnha Bucha Day, one of the most sacred days in Buddhism, is observed on the 15th Day of the Waxing Moon in the Eight Lunar Month to commemorate the day on which Lord Buddha delivered his first Sermon, or Dhammachakkappavattanasutr, before the first five disciples in Buddhism. The day also marks the beginning of the worship of the Triple Gem, namely: the Lord Buddha, His Teachings and His Disciples.

In his First Sermon, Lord Buddha taught the Middle Way or, Majjimapatipada, and how to reach Nirvana, and as a result one of the five ascetics who was named Kondanya, attained enlightenment. In recognition Thailand was the first Buddhist country to recognise the importance of the day, as a sacred and national holiday.

Photo by from Dhamma Thai

School Close: 27 Jul 2021 – Substitution Day of Buddhist Lent Day

School Close : Tuesday 27, Jul 2021

Substitution Day of Buddhist Lent Day

Buddhist Lent Day mars the beginning of the annual retreat for monks as laid down by Lord Buddha more than twenty-five centuries ago. On that day all monks take a vow to stay in a particular place or temple for three months from the first Day of the Waning moon in the 8th Month to the 15th Day of the Waxing Moon in the 11th Month. It coincides with the rainy season during which the monks are not allowed to stay overnight anywhere else, except in exceptional cases based on reasons granted by Lord Buddha.

Buddhist Lent day means the day on which the Buddhist monks take the vow to stay only at one particular place or temple which can shelter them from the sun, storms and rain.

Photo by from Dhamma Thai